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P. M. Mohite

PhD (IIT Kanpur)

Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering


Research Interest



  • PhD, IIT Kanpur, 2007
    Prof. CS Upadhyay
  • M.Tech, IIT Kanpur, 2001
  • B.E., Shivaji University Kolhapur, 1998




Structural Analysis, Composite Materials, Finite Element Methods, Dynamics and Vibrations, Micromechanics and Damage Mechanics of Composites


  • Mohite PM and Upadhyay CS. A generalized adaptive analysis of laminated plates, Computers and Structures, Vol. 112-113, December 2012; 217-234.

  • Mohite PM and Upadhyay CS. Region-by-region modeling of laminated composite plates, Computers and Structures, Vol. 85, 23-24, December 2007; 1808-1827.

  • Mohite PM and Upadhyay CS. Focussed adaptivity for laminated plates, Computers and Structures, Vol. 81, 2003; 287-293.

  • Mohite PM and Upadhyay CS. Accurate computation of critical local quantities in composite laminated plates under transverse loading, Computers and Structures, Vol. 84, 10-11, April 2006; 657-675.

  • Prasanna Kumar I, Mohite PM and Kamle S. Axial compressive strength testing of single carbon fibres, Archives of Mechanics, Vol. 65, 2013; 27-43.

  • One of the first ten finalists for Students' Paper Contest at 47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, 1-4 May 2006, Newport Rhode Island (USA)

  • Best Student Award for Bachelor of Engineering Programme in Mechanical Engineering (1998)


Office Phone: 0512-259-6024 (O)
Lab Addresses: Structural Analysis Lab
Lab Phone : 0512-259-7531 / 6111



Damage Mechanics, Multi-scale Modeling, Composite Characterization, Adaptive FEM


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