Course title

Course code


Instrumentation, Laboratory and Field Practices in Geoinformatics


Reconnaissance and establishing the control stations; GNSS observation for control points, Control network densification and topographic mapping using Total Station, Road profiling, Hand-held GNSS survey for GIS data collection.



  1. Anderson, J.M. and Mikhail,E.M.,1998, Surveying theory and practice,WCB McGraw-Hill:Boston.
  2. Clendinning, J. and Olliver,J.G.,1979,Principles and use of surveying instruments,Van Nostrant Reinhold: New York.
  3. Cooper, M.A.R.,1987,Control surveying in civil engineering,Collins: London.
  4. Kavanagh,B.F.,2003,Surveying principles and applications,Prentice Hall: New Jersy.
  5. Kennie and Petrie, 1990, Engineering survey technology ,Blackie: UK.
  6. Key,H.,2004,High end Total Stations,GIM International,October 2004, pp. 49 - 55
  7. Methley, B.D.F., 1986, Computational models in surveying and photogrammetry,Blackie: Glasgow.
  8. Schoffield,W.,2001,Engineering surveying ,V edition,Butterworth: Oxford.
  9. Wolf,P.R.and Ghilani,C.D.,2002,Elementary surveying,introduction to geomatics,X edition,Prentice Hall: New Jersy.