Touch Rugby

Super Speculator

Touch Rugby is a brand new game for JOSH! This is an all-fun version of its rough-and-tumble predecessor. The basic difference between touch rugby and rugby is that if you have the ball and the opponent touches you, you have to give the ball over to the opponent and allow him to restart play. The other difference is that the ball here is spherical -- in fact, it's a tennis ball.

We assure you this game is a lot of fun. Come forward and participate!

Venue: Hockey Field (opposite Swimming Pool)


  • This JOSH, there is only a Men's category in touch rugby. We hope that this will change in future JOSH's.
  • 7 players per team.


  • Each team starts play from its touchline.
  • The team with the ball attacks the opponents' touchline.
  • The ball may be passed freely between players, using any part of the body.
  • As soon as the player with the ball is touched by an opponent, he has to release the ball.
  • A team scores a try when one of its players crosses the touchline of the opposition with the ball in his possession. The team with the maximum tries at the end of full time wins.
  • A game will be 40 minutes long with two halves of 20 minutes each.
  • The format of the tournament (knockout or league) will be decided once registration is over and we know how many teams are participating.
  • Don't foul the opponent players or you'll be cautioned/sent off.
  • The referee's decisions are final.
  • Other details will be clarified on the field by the referee and the organizers.

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Last updated: 02/18/05.