First Announcement


ICAME is an international biennial conference that provides the major forum for scientists in many disciplines hwo deal with Mossbauer spectroscopy for exploring topics in such diverse fields as physics, chemistry, biology, materials science, mineralogy, earth science and archeology.

ICAME 2007 will be hosted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, which is one of the premier institutions in the world (founded 1960). IIT Kanpur is a leader in undergraduate and postgraduate education in India and is internationally known for its scientific and engineering research and development. The institute community provides an ambience of high intellectual stimulus and a perfect backdrop for fruitful interactions.

ICAME 2007 will display on overview of the present status and future potential involving Mossabauer effect. Invited speakers will present significant recent developments and new applications in this area and outline future perspectives. Their contributions will be complemented by oral/poster presenations from participants. The accepted contributions will be published in an international journal.

Important Dates
Call for Abstracts October 2006
Abstract Deadline April 2007
Registration Deadline July 2007
Article Deadline 15th October, 1007

Prof. N. S. Gajbhiye
Chairman, ICAME 2007

Indian Institute of Technology
Kanpur – 208016, INDIA
Phone: +91 512 2597080/7423
Fax: +91 512 2597080