#include //#include int removeElement(); void addElement(int num); int array[10],counter = 0,n=10; int main() { int choice = 0; do { printf("\n\n********** MENU **********\n"); printf("1. Add Element \n2. Remove Element \n3. EXIT \nEnter Your choice:"); scanf("%d",&choice); printf("\n\n"); if(choice == 1) { int num = 0; printf("Enter the number to add :"); scanf("%d",&num); addElement(num); } if(choice == 2) { int num = removeElement(); if(num != -1) printf("%d removed from list \n",num); } }while(choice == 1 || choice == 2); return 0; } void addElement(int num) { if(counter == n) { printf("Linked List Full \n"); } else { array[counter] = num; printf("%d added into Linked list\n",num); counter++; } } int removeElement() { if(counter == 0) { printf("List empty \n"); return -1; } else { int i=0; int toReturn = array[0]; for( i=0;i