ALL qUESTION ARE COMPULSORY Q1). Write a Function to reccursively compute the harmonic mean of an array of numbers. In the main function, create an array of size 10. Input integers from the user till a negative number is given as input or the 10 elments have been filled up. Find the harmonic mean of the elements of this array. (30 marks) Q2). Write a program to print all possible valid sequences of opening & closing brace given number of opening braces. Example: n = 1 -> { } n = 2 -> { } { }, { { } } n = 3 -> { { { } } }, { { } } { }, { { } { } }, { } { { } }, { } { } { }, Note: ordering is not important, make sure you print all the possible valid sequences. Hint: Start with an opening bracket, keep a count of remaining brackets you can open and a count of how many you can close. At each instance of the recursive call, there are two possibilities, either close any opened bracket or start a new. Keep updating the counts, and look out for terminating condition, i.e. when there are no more open brackets and no more brackets to start with. Then print the sequence obtained. Use an array to store the intermediate sequence constructed. ( 50 marks) Q3). Function itoa takes a integer as input and returns a string representaion of the integer. Iterative version of this function will convert the integer to a string and then reverse it. Extra computation which is done for reversal can be avoided if the itoa function is a recursive function. Write a recursive function to convert a integer into string.(20 marks)