1.[30] Write a program that takes a 4 x 4 matrix as input from the user. Implement the following functions: a. Print the transpose of the matrix b. Print the trace of the matrix (sum of all diagonal elements) c. Check whether the matrix is symmetric (transpose(A)=A) d. Check whether the matrix is anti-symmetric (transpose(A)=-A) 2. [40] Input a 4 x 4 matrix from the user and find min-max and max-min of the matrix. The min-max is calculated by as first taking the maximum entry of each of the rows and then finding the minimum of all those maximum entries. Alternatively, max-min is calculated as first taking the taking the minimum entry of each of the rows and then finding the maximum of all those maximum entries. You can verify that min-max is always greater than or equal to min-max. 3.[30] Write a program that takes two binary arrays of size 10 and 4 respectively as input from the user. Then find all the occurrances of array of size 4 in the array of size 10. Print all the starting index positions of occurrence. For example: a. First Array= 1010101101 Second Array= 1010 Starting Locations: 0,2,4 b. a. First Array= 0111011101 Second Array= 1110 Starting Locations: 1,5.