Lecture Notes:  Esc 101

Date: 25/01/2008           

Consider the following code:

public Class Test{

 public static void main(strings args[]){

The meaning of these terms are given below:
void:- does not return any value. Only has side effects.
main :- method
strings:- type
args:- variables of type string

Now consider the following two functions:

f(x)=x^2 //definition of the function; we are not evaluating it right now.(an error at the time of evaluation is called Runtime Error.

g(x) = x^3 if f(x)<3  // we are not evaluating them right now
   or= 27 if f(x) >=3

Note that the type of function can be different from the type of its arguments. To see this consider the following function:

f(x,y)= floor(sqrt(x^2-y^2)) , x can be integer, y can be reals, but f is an integer.
if x<y then we will get run time error in evaluating f(x,y).
It is an error when we are evaluating & not when we are defining f.

Let us consider the following method which computes the function f(x):

double f(double x){



Understanding Methods:

Methods are:
1) blocks of code
2) have names
3) can be called from other places in your program
4) they accomplish some work or task.

Given below is a sample orgainzation of methods within a class.

public Class Test{

method1 : must have a main method that can call other methods




Below is a method that computes the function g:

double g(double x){

if (f(x)>=3)
 return 27
 return x*x*x


Contents of a box of small size can always be put into a box of large size.

public static void main(string args[]){

double x =3;
System.out.println(g(x)); // here g(x) is not a string but it will be converted to string.


any expression can be converted to a string.