ESc101 Laboratory Assignment Thursday of Week of 25/10/04 Write a program to multiply two matrices stored in files FileA.dat and FileB.dat. The two matrices are stored in row-major form in the files. The Resultant matrix should be stored in file FileC.dat. Use of arrays is NOT allowed. HINT: Store the transpose of the matrix in file FileB.dat into another file say Temp.dat. Open the files FileA.dat and Temp.dat. Traverse the two files sequentially reading 1 row from FileA.dat and 1 column from Temp.Dat and store the result in FileC.dat. Then adjust the index of FileA.dat to the beginning of the row. When Temp.dat has been read once, adjust its pointer to the beginning and go to the next row in FileA.dat and so on. Note that the above method should be other than "main". Then in the "main" method call the sort method. You should use text-file so that you can create the data-file directly.