Project Proposal

Authors : Abhinav Srivastava (B7), Prateek Jain (B7), Taranbir Singh (B8)

Tutor : Dr. S. K. Aggarwal


       	       Project title: Arkanoid
         	  Objective : To build clone of pc game ARKANOID or X-Boeing.

	Implementation Style: Initial impetus will be to build a game with just one basic workable level
		              including score counters. Once this is achieved more levels may be added,
       		              the complexity( in terms of graphics and layout or innovations ) increased
		      	      or more features added in the MENU e.g. saving a game or loading past game,
		              all depending on time available.
   Sample I/O and Test Cases: 
		              Once the game is run, bare minimum input is required. It is a one player game
		              and player starts from level one (or from a previously saved state). The only
		              "input" is in terms of horizontal mouse movements and the occaional left click
		              to start playing.
        		      Being a game the output is confined to graphical display on the monitor. The 
    		              screen will be divided into two windows with a vertical line. The left bigger
        		      part will show the game in progress and the right smaller window will display
		              game statistics such as player score, max score and remaining lives.
        		      A screenshot of such a game can be seen here
	        	      TEST CASES:
	                      The test cases shall include the follwing:
        		      i) The ball will follow a linear trajectory and when it hits a surface it will 
			      follow the law of reflection. It will be checked whether the algorithm that we 
			      develop for this stands up to cases like ball hitting the corners of a brick or 
                              the wall, etc.
			      There are not very many test cases for a game. The best test, we believe, is that
			      it works correctly and is enjoyed by all who play it.

	   Project Deadlines: 26 September - proposal.html must be up. This file should identify: 
				             SAMPLE INPUT AND OUTPUT
			      XX XXXXXXXXX - project review ; webpage should have the following section
				             PROGRAM DESIGN
		      	    11-15 November - Final Report

              Program Design: The Program design consists of the methodology or structured approach we are
	                      going to use to solve the program problem. Thus this part is an essential 
		              component of any programming project and comes before the actual coding.
        		      We brainstormed and formulated the following guidelines.

                  Motivation: Arkanoid was a very popular game back when today's 3D games weren't so good
		              as they are now. We have played many versions of Arkanoid and have enjoyed 
			      them all immensely. And thus we decided to implement our own version of this
		              thoroughly enjoyable game.

                    About us: All of us are B. Tech. 1st year students in I.I.T. Kanpur. This project is
		              part of our first semester course of ESC 101 - Fundamentals of Computing. 
		              Java to all three of us is a new language yet we are finding learning it an
		              enjoyable experience. 
		              If you wish to contact any of us for criticism ,comment  or suggestions you
		              are always welcome to do so.
		              Abhinav Srivastava               Prateek Jain               Taranbir Singh
		              Roll No: Y2017                   Roll No: Y2283             Roll No: Y2399
		              Hall/Room: III/224               Hall/Room: II/246          Hall/Room: III/332 
		              Our Tutor:Dr.S.K. Aggarwal