// Lab4 - Part1. /* The objective of this exercise is to familiarize you with strings. You have to implement a "static" function that takes a "String" argument and breaks it into tokens, i.e. words or other characters separated by whitespace. For eg: "Thus this sentence" should print: "Thus" "this" "sentence" Your program will be tested by loading your class into our test routine where we will use this function: public static void main (String args[]) { StringOps.tokenize ("This is a test."); System.out.println (""); StringOps.tokenize ("StringOps.tokenize( \"This is a test.\" )"); } and your output should exactly be: "This" "is" "a" "test." "StringOps.tokenize(" ""This" "is" "a" "test."" ")" Use the skeleton of the StringOps class given below. */ public class StringOps { /** * This method is to be implemented as 1st part of Lab4. * ===================================================== * * This should print all the tokens. * It returns void. */ public static void tokenize(String str) { } }